[dlc-dev] BLS and announcement free DLCs

Ichiro Kuwahara kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp
Thu Nov 17 05:37:13 CET 2022

Hey Lloyd

I have reconsidered my proposal and have concluded that my proposal is not
valid. I'm sorry for taking your time.

The reason is that if malicious Alice encrypts garbage (instead of r),the
possibility of detecting that fraud depends on the number of variations of
m that Oracle signs (fewer variations of m reduces the fraud detectability).

For reference, here are some thoughts on my proposal


If a malicious Alice encrypts garbage (instead of r) on a particular m, the
probability that the cheating succeeds is 50% (i.e., the probability that
Bob does not select a particular m).

When there are n variations of m, the probability P that malicious Alice
succeeds in the above fraud is


P=0.5 for n=2

P=0.16 for n=4,

P=10^-20 for n=100

If n is 100, the probability 10^-20 may not be a problem, but if n is 2or
4, we can't use it...

If I understand correctly, this probability is the same as the probability
of the conventional cut and choose for λ=2.

In the case of λ=2, the conventional proposal requires 4n encryptions,
which is reduced to 3n in my proposal, but the effect is so slight that it
is hardly a benefit.




2022年11月16日(水) 14:55 Lloyd Fournier <lloyd.fourn at gmail.com>:

> Hey Ichiro,
> Sorry again for the late reply. I am wondering how you make the argument
> that Bob can confident that he can decrypt the desired value? What if Alice
> encrypts garbage for one of the bits and doesn't get caught by Bob's
> choice. How can you say that it is guaranteed that in the other one he has
> what was expected?
> Cheers,
> LL
> On Fri, 4 Nov 2022 at 16:03, Ichiro Kuwahara <kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp>
> wrote:
>> Hey Lloyd
>> >Sorry for the late reply. My email sometimes degenerates into a LIFO
>> queue when I'm busy.
>> Haha, no problem, I will ping you on twitter or something next time:)
>> >Actually, using the bit decomposition trick we're only doing
>> 2*log_2(100) = 14 encryptions.  So 14*λ  BF-ciphers sym-ciphers in the case
>> we're *not* batching the verifiable encryptions.
>> Thank you for the explanation.
>> I understood that the compression method is to use binary digit-by-digit
>> oracle signatures.
>> IIUC, my suggestions below allow for even more compression. To keep
>> things simple, let me explain without batching functions.
>> For λ=40 and m∈ {0,1,2,・・・100}, the number of encryptions decreases as
>> follows.
>> 40*2*log_2(100)=560→3*log_2(100)=21
>> The security parameter λ is no longer required in my suggestion.
>> As you pointed out before, multiple values of m are being encrypted on
>> either side of the selection.
>> —------Encryption /Decryption scheme---------------
>> 1.Commitment
>> Alice generates random integers r_m and creates sym-ciphers s_m=r_m+y_m.
>> For all m, Alice computes R_m = g・r_m.
>> At this point, Alice sends BF-r-ciphers(encrypted r_m) and BF-s-ciphers(encrypted
>> s_m) , R_m and the statement Y_m to Bob.
>> 2.Cut and choose
>> Bob select m∈ {0,1,2,・・・100}
>> • For all m not selected by Bob
>>  -Alice sends sym-ciphers s_m and the random coins used to create
>> BF-s-ciphers(encrypted s_m*)* to Bob.
>>  -Bob checks g・s_m =? g・r_m + g・y_m
>>  -Bob recompute the BF-s-ciphers(encrypted s_m*)* with random coins and
>> verifies it.
>> • For all m chosen by Bob
>> -Alice exposes the corresponding values r_m and the random coins used to
>> create BF-r-cipher (encrypted r_m) to Bob.
>> -Bob recomputes the BF-r-ciphers (encrypted r_m)  with random coins and
>> verifies it.
>> 3.Extraction
>> ・In case oracle attestates m which is not selected by Bob
>> Bob decrypt the BF ciphertext to compute ri, extract y  = si −ri from it
>> ・In case oracle attestates m which is chosen by Bob.
>> Bob decrypts the BF-r-ciphers and BF-s-cipher to compute r_m and s_m,
>> extract y_m = s_m −r_m
>> ※Note that the random coins used to encrypt r_m and s_ in BF-ciphers
>> should not be the same.
>>   If the random coins are the same, y_ will be extracted as follows:
>>     y=BFcipher(si) - BFcipher(ri)
>> —------------------------—------------------------—------------------------—------------------------
>> Cheers,
>> Ichiro
>> 2022年10月31日(月) 18:44 Lloyd Fournier <lloyd.fourn at gmail.com>:
>>> Hey Ichiro,
>>> Sorry for the late reply. My email sometimes degenerates into a LIFO
>>> queue when I'm busy.
>>> On Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 10:14, Ichiro Kuwahara <
>>> kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp> wrote:
>>>> Hey Lloyd
>>>> Thanks for the reply.
>>>> Let me check if my understanding below is correct.
>>>> If 100 different oracle attestations are expected (i.e. m=1 or m=2,...
>>>> ,m=100) Alice needs to create 100 x λ BF-ciphers, sym-ciphers.
>>> Actually, using the bit decomposition trick we're only doing
>>> 2*log_2(100) = 14 encryptions.  So 14*λ  BF-ciphers sym-ciphers in the case
>>> we're *not* batching the verifiable encryptions. Since we are using our
>>> batch verifiable encryption it's much less. e.g. if λ=40,  we'd only need
>>> 236 encryptions (instead of 560). After that you'd take your 100 signatures
>>> and one-time-pad them with a different combination of each bit value. When
>>> the attestation is made you can decrypt 7 of the 14 secrets and use them to
>>> decrypt one (and only one) of the 100 signatures.
>>>> Let me additionally check if my understanding is correct.
>>>> In the paper, Alice creates adaptor signatures with secret value y and
>>>> encrypts y, Bob verifies it. If we adapt this proposal to DLC, Bob also
>>>> needs to create adaptor signatures with the secret value (let's say x) and
>>>> encrypt x, and Alice needs to verify it.The adaptor signature is decrypted
>>>> with x and y.
>>> I prefer not to explain things in terms of adaptor signatures. You don't
>>> really need them. We are just one-time padding signatures. That's what
>>> adaptor signatures do too of course. But usually the encryption key is a
>>> public key. The encryptor here knows the secret key so there's no need to
>>> use them. The paper uses them to save space explaining how Schnorr and
>>> ECDSA can be done together. You don't actually need them in practice.
>>> LL
>>>> Does it make sense?
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ichiro
>>>> 2022年10月17日(月) 12:30 Lloyd Fournier <lloyd.fourn at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hey Ichiro,
>>>>> Thanks for reading the paper and for the detailed question. My
>>>>> response below.
>>>>> On Fri, 14 Oct 2022 at 13:15, Ichiro Kuwahara <
>>>>> kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Lloyd, thank you for your interesting proposal,I really enjoyed
>>>>>> reading the paper:)
>>>>>> I have some suggestions for cut and choose techniques, please let me
>>>>>> know your thoughts.
>>>>>> The following is a quote from *the "Verifiable Witness Encryption." *chapter
>>>>>> of the paper.
>>>>>> *>If all these checks pass, Bob is guaranteed that there exists at
>>>>>> least one well-formed BF ciphertext among those λ/2 not opened by
>>>>>> Alice:meaning that it encrypts rk such that sk = rk+y for some k. Thus,
>>>>>> when Olivia attests m, Bob can decrypt the k-th BF ciphertext to compute
>>>>>> rk, extract y = sk −rk from it and then use it to get σ from the
>>>>>> pre-signature σˆ following the adaptor signature scheme.*
>>>>>> IIUC, the following extraction is possible only if the olivia attest
>>>>>> m which is included in i ∈ [λ/2] not selected by Bob.
>>>>>> * extract y = si −ri*
>>>>>> If Olivia attests m which is included in j ∈ [λ/2] chosen by Bob, Bob
>>>>>> can’t  extract y because he doesn't get sk(sym-cipher) from Alice.
>>>>> I didn't understand the problem. The task of this section is to
>>>>> verifiably encrypt a scalar to a particular value of m e.g. m = 0 or m = 1
>>>>> or m = "hello world". All the ciphertexts are allegedly encrypting the same
>>>>> value to the revelation of a signature on that single value of m. Does this
>>>>> make sense? It seems like you are thinking that multiple values of m are
>>>>> being encrypted to on either side of the selection.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> LL
>>>>>> 2022年8月19日(金) 12:15 Lloyd Fournier via dlc-dev <
>>>>>> dlc-dev at mailmanlists.org>:
>>>>>>> Hi again,
>>>>>>> I've just made the benchmark repos for the paper public.
>>>>>>> Here's the one for the BLS:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/LLFourn/dlc-verifiable-encryption-bls
>>>>>>> Here's the one using a simpler non-pairng attestation scheme on
>>>>>>> ristretto:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/LLFourn/dlc-verifiable-encryption-non-pairing
>>>>>>> I don't think we used the ristretto one in the paper. What it shows
>>>>>>> is how fast things could be with a non-pairing attestation but using the
>>>>>>> same verifiable protocol. Of course, it is cheating a bit because it's
>>>>>>> using a heavily optimised curve and implementation. On the other hand there
>>>>>>> is no theoretical reason you couldn't have an oracle using a ristretto
>>>>>>> based attestation scheme and encrypt secp256k1 scalars to the anticipation
>>>>>>> points (other than it being bad taste).
>>>>>>> Let me know if there are any questions. Sorry in advance about the
>>>>>>> poor quality of the code. It is strictly for benchmarking only. I hope to
>>>>>>> build a more production ready API and implementation in the coming months.
>>>>>>> Hopefully I'll be able to make the curves themselves generic so it just
>>>>>>> handles the cut-and-choose verifiable encryption part of the thing and you
>>>>>>> can BYO your own points/scalars.
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> LL
>>>>>>> On Fri, 12 Aug 2022 at 11:46, Lloyd Fournier <lloyd.fourn at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I want to follow up on an idea.
>>>>>>>> During our last call Nadav mentioned the "smart contracts
>>>>>>>> unchained" idea https://zmnscpxj.github.io/bitcoin/unchained.html.
>>>>>>>> This brings up an interesting point: if the users agree on the
>>>>>>>> outcome of the outsourced smart contract they don't even need to contact
>>>>>>>> the trusted service.
>>>>>>>> The same thing is true here. In the BLS scheme in the cooperative
>>>>>>>> case you would need zero requests to the oracle. This is great news for
>>>>>>>> privacy.
>>>>>>>> To take an example, consider that we have a CFD style contract on
>>>>>>>> BXBT implemented using a WASM smart contract. When I want to settle the
>>>>>>>> contract I can first visit bitmex.com/api, get the relevant HTTP
>>>>>>>> response, run it through our WASM contract program locally and see what CET
>>>>>>>> gets activated. I then send a request to my counterpary to do the same. If
>>>>>>>> we agree we settle the contract without ever contacting the oracle at all.
>>>>>>>> This changes the privacy assessment for the scheme very favorably. In the
>>>>>>>> expected case the users now have perfect privacy from the oracle. Of course
>>>>>>>> now the users will now contact bitmex.com/api themselves which
>>>>>>>> leaks to bitmex that you are interested in BXBT at a certain time. This
>>>>>>>> seems like a much better situation though. Requesting stuff from an API
>>>>>>>> endpoint seems like a very innocus thing to do and does not imply you are
>>>>>>>> doing any kind of contract (at least in this example many apps gather data
>>>>>>>> from these APIs).
>>>>>>>> This is really cool since it means the oracle cannot even ballpark
>>>>>>>> how many people are using their service!
>>>>>>>> LL
>>>>>>>> PS the paper has been updated now: https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/499
>>>>>>>> On Mon, 8 Aug 2022 at 15:36, Lloyd Fournier <lloyd.fourn at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi dlc-dev,
>>>>>>>>> As many of you know, we've been working on how to do DLCs with
>>>>>>>>> batch cut-and-choose verifiable encryption as opposed to adaptor
>>>>>>>>> signatures[1]. The recent breakthrough we've had is to optimize the
>>>>>>>>> protocol sufficiently to bring Bitcoin DLCs with a BLS signature oracle
>>>>>>>>> into the realm of practicality. To ballpark the performance, to batch
>>>>>>>>> verifiably encrypt 2048 schnorr signatures to the attestation of one 2048
>>>>>>>>> outcomes attested via the revelation of 11 BLS signatures (one for each
>>>>>>>>> bit) takes around 2.57s on my laptop (1.7s with pre-processing) with 30bit
>>>>>>>>> statistical security.
>>>>>>>>> There's a lot more to say on performance and a few optimizations
>>>>>>>>> left to make but for the sake of argument let's call that "practical" or at
>>>>>>>>> least close to it. One optimization I'll ask you to keep in mind is that I
>>>>>>>>> think the protocol can get a roughly 50% speedup if the payout function is
>>>>>>>>> monotone because you only need to do verifiable encryption for either the 1
>>>>>>>>> or the 0 values (not both) in the bit decomposed attestation.
>>>>>>>>> What are the implications of BLS attestations being practical? The
>>>>>>>>> obvious thing is that we'd be able to get rid of the nonces in the oracle
>>>>>>>>> announcement because BLS signatures do not require randomness. Just by
>>>>>>>>> knowing the oracle's public key you'd be able to create a DLC on any event
>>>>>>>>> as long as you know the oracle will attest to it. Ok but so what? You'd
>>>>>>>>> still have to query the oracle to see if and how they're going to attest to
>>>>>>>>> that thing right? On the surface it seems like this wouldn't even save a
>>>>>>>>> single HTTP query.
>>>>>>>>> It turns out that getting rid of the nonces has huge implications.
>>>>>>>>> Consider a completely new kind of oracle that doesn't have announcements.
>>>>>>>>> It just has a single HTTP POST endpoint: "/attest".
>>>>>>>>> Let's say you want the oracle to attest to the price of BXBT on
>>>>>>>>> BitMEX at 2022-08-03T12:00:00.000Z. In the POST body you'd send something
>>>>>>>>> like:
>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>     "input" : {
>>>>>>>>>          "url":  "'
>>>>>>>>> https://www.bitmex.com/api/v1/instrument/compositeIndex?symbol=.BXBT&startTime=2022-08-03T12:00:00.000Z
>>>>>>>>> ",
>>>>>>>>>          "kind" : "jq",
>>>>>>>>>          "filter": ".[]|select(.timestamp ==
>>>>>>>>> \"2022-08-03T12:00:00.000Z\")|select(.symbol == \".BXBT\")|.lastPrice >
>>>>>>>>> 23000 | round",
>>>>>>>>>     },
>>>>>>>>>     "output" : {
>>>>>>>>>         "kind" : "bit-decomposition",
>>>>>>>>>         "n_bits" : 20
>>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> The oracle -- at the time of your request -- would go to
>>>>>>>>> bitmex.com/api and fetch the JSON result and apply the jq filter
>>>>>>>>> to extract the desired value. If you're playing at home this would output:
>>>>>>>>> $ curl -sSL '
>>>>>>>>> https://www.bitmex.com/api/v1/instrument/compositeIndex?symbol=.BXBT&startTime=2022-08-03T12:00:00.000Z'
>>>>>>>>> | jq '.[]|select(.timestamp == "2022-08-03T12:00:00.000Z")|select(.symbol
>>>>>>>>> == ".BXBT")|.lastPrice | round'
>>>>>>>>> 23409
>>>>>>>>> And so the oracle would -- on the spot -- generate 20 BLS
>>>>>>>>> signatures for each of the 20 big-endian bits of 23409
>>>>>>>>> i.e. 00000101101101110001.
>>>>>>>>> Each BLS signature would be made over the request, the bit
>>>>>>>>> position and the bit value. Having the request in there is key as it allows
>>>>>>>>> you to anticipate the BLS signature for either bit value ahead of making
>>>>>>>>> the query.
>>>>>>>>> I believe this is a huge improvement over the current oracle
>>>>>>>>> model. Let's look at how this would impact DLC developers and users.
>>>>>>>>> ### Oracles more powerful and much simpler
>>>>>>>>> The key thing to note is that in the above example the oracle
>>>>>>>>> doesn't need to know about BitMEX, BXBT ahead of time. It can attest to
>>>>>>>>> anything on the web. It could even attest to values in HTML pages using css
>>>>>>>>> selectors etc.
>>>>>>>>> Users could bet on literally any information that can be
>>>>>>>>> authoritatively sourced on the web (don't do wikipedia!)
>>>>>>>>> The main objection to this might be that oracles shouldn't just
>>>>>>>>> take whatever is on the web and attest to it: an oracle should be
>>>>>>>>> responsible for the correctness of its attestations and not pass the blame
>>>>>>>>> to a website.
>>>>>>>>> I don't think this makes sense because (1) grabbing stuff from the
>>>>>>>>> web is what oracles are doing in practice. (2) There is no primary source
>>>>>>>>> for BXBT (for example) other than that URL (3) there is no reason in the
>>>>>>>>> model that users couldn't request the oracle gather data from multiple
>>>>>>>>> sources and average them or check that at least 3 out of 5 agree etc (4) an
>>>>>>>>> oracle oracle publishing their own authoritative outcomes for specific
>>>>>>>>> events perfectly compatible with this model.
>>>>>>>>> The major benefit of this model for oracle implementation is that
>>>>>>>>> they can be completely stateless. Those of you that run oracles will
>>>>>>>>> understand what quality of life improvement this is. For users the main
>>>>>>>>> benefit is application developers being able to add new things to bet on
>>>>>>>>> without an oracle having to announce that event. I also like that the thing
>>>>>>>>> you are betting on is completely unambiguous so you can do away with the
>>>>>>>>> "bounded error" stuff in the current spec.
>>>>>>>>> ### Oracles can process the web data before attestation
>>>>>>>>> Imagine if instead of using jq as in the above example the oracle
>>>>>>>>> allowed specifying a WASM binary to process the HTTP response(s).
>>>>>>>>> User applications could then code powerful processing logic that
>>>>>>>>> would output a bit array. Consider that:
>>>>>>>>> 1. The WASM program could process data from multiple sources and
>>>>>>>>> apply totally custom logic before outputting the final value (thresholds,
>>>>>>>>> averages etc)
>>>>>>>>> 2. Rather than outputting an "outcome" value like 23409 (price of
>>>>>>>>> bitcoin) in the example, the WASM could map this price directly to CET
>>>>>>>>> values. So if you wanted to have 1024 different CETs for the range between
>>>>>>>>> Bitcoin 10k <-> 100k the WASM could map the value 23409 and simply output
>>>>>>>>> the interval. e.g. (23_409 - 10_000)/(100_000 - 10_000)/(1024 - 1)) ~ 152
>>>>>>>>> and so the oracle would attest to 152 instead of 23_409. This would mean
>>>>>>>>> that there's a 1-to-1 mapping between attestation and CET.
>>>>>>>>> 3. The "payout" function for the processed outcome could always be
>>>>>>>>> made monotone and therefore very simple to deal with (and the
>>>>>>>>> optimization I mentioned at the start always applies).
>>>>>>>>> Point (1) is really important for Itchysat's[2] use case where it
>>>>>>>>> needs to check that during the course of a DLC that the value never went
>>>>>>>>> above or below a certain value in addition to getting the settlement value.
>>>>>>>>> Right now (as I understand it) they create a new pre-signed transaction for
>>>>>>>>> every minute that the contract is alive to enforce this. It'd be great to
>>>>>>>>> remove this and let the oracle attest to a boolean based on whether the
>>>>>>>>> price went below at any interval by checking all the values in the BitMEX
>>>>>>>>> API used above.
>>>>>>>>> Point (2) would in my mind completely remove the need for the
>>>>>>>>> following specification documents. The logic contained within them would be
>>>>>>>>> in the domain of the WASM program that the oracle runs before outputting
>>>>>>>>> the attestation which is agreed by both parties at the application layer.
>>>>>>>>> 1.
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/discreetlogcontracts/dlcspecs/blob/master/PayoutCurve.md
>>>>>>>>> 2.
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/discreetlogcontracts/dlcspecs/blob/master/NumericOutcome.md
>>>>>>>>> 3.
>>>>>>>>> https://github.com/discreetlogcontracts/dlcspecs/blob/master/NumericOutcomeCompression.md
>>>>>>>>> There is a downside to this idea in that users are leaking the
>>>>>>>>> oracle more information about their contract than in the present model.
>>>>>>>>> Right now you are leaking at least the event but not what the combination
>>>>>>>>> of events are being used and not how you are mapping the outcomes to payout
>>>>>>>>> intervals. Leaking the payout intervals could be a bad mistake because if a
>>>>>>>>> related transaction goes on chain you could check that the value in CET
>>>>>>>>> output is divisible by the payput interval to attempt to link it. Three are
>>>>>>>>> simple ways to obfuscate this linkage in practice (an exercise I'll leave
>>>>>>>>> to the reader!). There might be others I haven't thought of.
>>>>>>>>> There is also a downside for oracles in that you have to attest to
>>>>>>>>> things as an anonymous user demands. You would need to take care to protect
>>>>>>>>> against DoS by not creating too many signatures and not letting the WASM
>>>>>>>>> programs run too long. For reference a BLS signature takes around 1ms to
>>>>>>>>> create on my laptop.
>>>>>>>>> ### BLS signatures can do non-interactive threshold attestation
>>>>>>>>> Our protocol [1] allows for doing t-of-n DLC protocol where the
>>>>>>>>> time complexity is roughly linear in n (in fact sublinear). So with 2048
>>>>>>>>> CETs it takes 2.57s for one oracle but for a 5-out-of-10 it takes about 21s.
>>>>>>>>> This part of the protocol is also compatible with non-BLS
>>>>>>>>> attestations.
>>>>>>>>> However BLS allows for creating a threshold amongst committee
>>>>>>>>> members non-interactively. That is, if 10 oracles agreed to form a group
>>>>>>>>> with a threshold of 5 by generating their keys together using an
>>>>>>>>> interactive protocol it would be possible to use this committee as a single
>>>>>>>>> oracle and therefore not have any performance loss. Each oracle could also
>>>>>>>>> be used individually with the same key but if five signatures were fetched
>>>>>>>>> from the 10 oracles you could compute the signature from under the group's
>>>>>>>>> aggregate key.
>>>>>>>>> Technically this is possible with non-BLS schemes (i.e. FROST) but
>>>>>>>>> it would require the 5 oracles to interact during the attestation so not
>>>>>>>>> really practical in the same way.
>>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>>> I am really excited about this but I'll leave the technical side
>>>>>>>>> there for now. I feel that this is the right way to link the external world
>>>>>>>>> to Bitcoin. Let me know what you think.
>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>> LL
>>>>>>>>> PS the code for the benchmarking isn't public rn because I
>>>>>>>>> couldn't change the visibility because of 2FA issues. Will fix soon. Also
>>>>>>>>> the paper at [1] is the the process of being updated to include the new
>>>>>>>>> performance gains.
>>>>>>>>> [1]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2022/499
>>>>>>>>> [2]: https://www.itchysats.network/
>>>>>>> dlc-dev mailing list
>>>>>>> dlc-dev at mailmanlists.org
>>>>>>> https://mailmanlists.org/mailman/listinfo/dlc-dev
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> 桑原 一郎
>>>>>> Ichiro Kuwahara
>>>>>> Lead Researcher
>>>>>> Crypto Garage, Inc.
>>>>>> Mail:     kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp
>>>>>> Tel:       +81-3-5656-2410
>>>>>> Mobile: +81-70-7469-8774
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Address: DG Bldg., 3-5-7 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku,
>>>>>>                Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
>>>>>> Web:       https://cryptogarage.co.jp/
>>>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> --
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 桑原 一郎
>>>> Ichiro Kuwahara
>>>> Lead Researcher
>>>> Crypto Garage, Inc.
>>>> Mail:     kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp
>>>> Tel:       +81-3-5656-2410
>>>> Mobile: +81-70-7469-8774
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Address: DG Bldg., 3-5-7 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku,
>>>>                Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
>>>> Web:       https://cryptogarage.co.jp/
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> --
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 桑原 一郎
>> Ichiro Kuwahara
>> Lead Researcher
>> Crypto Garage, Inc.
>> Mail:     kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp
>> Tel:       +81-3-5656-2410
>> Mobile: +81-70-7469-8774
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Address: DG Bldg., 3-5-7 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku,
>>                Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
>> Web:       https://cryptogarage.co.jp/
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


桑原 一郎
Ichiro Kuwahara
Lead Researcher
Crypto Garage, Inc.

Mail:     kuwahara at cryptogarage.co.jp
Tel:       +81-3-5656-2410
Mobile: +81-70-7469-8774
Address: DG Bldg., 3-5-7 Ebisu Minami, Shibuya-ku,
               Tokyo 150-0022, Japan
Web:       https://cryptogarage.co.jp/
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